The sealing performance of the premium connection depends on the design of its main sealing structure. At the same time, the bonding of the premium connection mainly occurs on the main sealing surface. Therefore, when choosing the form of the main sealing structure and determining its size and tolerance, the sealing ability and the bonding resistance of the joint should be considered at the same time, that is to say, the sealing integrity and the buckle integrity of the premium connection should be guaranteed.

Due to different starting points of design and patent protection, the main sealing structure of premium connection is different. However, in general, the basic forms of the main sealing structure of premium connection mainly include: Cone / cone, Cone / sphere, cylinder / sphere, etc.

The contact pressure distribution on the main sealing surface is different with different main sealing structure, and the contact pressure distribution on the main sealing surface directly determines the sealing performance of the joint. Therefore, the selection of the main seal structure is one of the keys to ensure the sealing performance of the premium connection.